

Dogs simply do not understand English or any other human language spoken around the world.

Dogs do not define words. When you try to teach a dog to “sit” – they aren’t defining the word “sit”, only taking the sound of the word sit coming out of your mouth and eventually learning to apply an action. Same goes with any verbal command. Be consistent, be concise, use the same tone all the time – and learn to remain calm around your dog.

This is the very reason it’s important to control the tone of your voice when training. Change the tone, and the word loses meaning to the dog. If you’re in a dog park and calmly saying “come”, the should respond. But then becoming frustrated and yelling “come” in frustration – there is a solid chance that the dog isn’t going to listen to you. Why? It simply doesn’t understand that particular command because your tone changed.

Robert Hynes Dog Training
Serving Edmonton, Alberta and surrounding areas.

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