
My dog is my best friend.

Whatever happened to dogs being mans best friend?

Monty is my best friend, and he gets all the trust and respect that all by good friends get – that’s what builds confidence in any relationship. I trust Monty 100% in every situation, and I’ve worked hard to earn his trust. If we go to a dog park, a pet store or for a walk – it’s his time, not my time to control him. If I didn’t own a dog, I wouldn’t be going to dog parks, or pet stores. It’s his time to get out and be a dog, meet dogs, meet people, meet whatever is around – from cats, to ferrets, even tortoises.

He’s met everything, he’s been socialized with everything – there is nothing left to bark at. Read that again – very carefully. Then read it again.

I’ve never taught recall to any of my dogs, they simply don’t run away. Why? Because were are a unit, the relationship is solid – he wants to be with me. They tend to stick close and keep an eye out to where I am. If he’s off in the woods and I lose sight, a simple whistle lets him know where I am. Sure enough, he pops out somewhere close to me.

Why is your dog running away from you? Why won’t your dog come back to you? There is likely a problem in the relationship.

Ask yourself a question, why are you working so hard to get your dog to comply with your wishes instead of understanding that the relationship is more important. If I’m walking down the street with a friend, and they stop and smell flowers – I’ll stop and wait for them. I’m not going to demand that they come. I deal with Monty the same way – I don’t demand that he comes, it’s his time. Now imagine when my friend rejoins me, I get them a pat on the head and a scratch behind the ear? I’d expect to get belted or ridiculed.

I never reward Monty for coming to me, it’s not necessary.

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