
Cannabidiol – CBD – and Cortisol.

If you’re not aware, cortisol is the body’s fire alarm for all animals, the fight or flight hormone – humans included. When we get stressed – angry, scared or just having a really bad day, we tend to generate cortisol. We all know the negative effects of cortisol. Running hot on cortisol long term isn’t healthy but that’s what many dogs are dealing with day after day. That’s not fair.

When people have a really bad day, and they are stressed – they tend to find something to blow out the lines to get rid of the cortisol. Go for a run, hit a bag, even to sit with a book with a glass of wine. These things generate endorphins and these hormones decrease cortisol naturally. Ask yourself – what does the dog get? Dogs get stressed – and it’s likely the number one cause of behavioural issues. Cortisol itself can be addictive – think addictions and the effects of cortisol. Dogs will generate cortisol as well. Some are running hot for so long that they are lost and confused without it.

CBD has been known to counteract the animals ability to create cortisol. This is why dogs become calm when taking CBD oil. You don’t need a high dose, it’s dosed by weight and it should be combined with exercise that will create endorphins.

I had a client call me today, her Aussie cross started CBD yesterday and today, she is all confused and nervous. All of a sudden, she’s not able to produce the cortisol – and she’s not sure how to deal. It didn’t hurt her, be became a little more nervous in places she was usually comfortable in – and didn’t want to leave the yard. That evening, she was sniffing around being a dog. The monkey is off her back but it needs to stay off her back. A couple of walks a day doesn’t do it for many dogs.

CBD is not a cure, and it won’t be a lifetime deal – it’s to get you over the hump. If it calms the dog, it will give you the opportunity to work with them properly but it needs to be tied to daily exercise. If a dog is stressed, hard exercise will really help.

As a footnote – if a high cortisol load isn’t an issue – then CBD won’t do much. Every dog is different, and every dog needs to be assessed beyond aggressive or reactive.

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