Freddie – Son of Milo and littermate to Bear and Mini. Freddie is just over 100 pounds, just like his father Milo. This dog has a hair trigger – and has already bitten me. It was my fault, I went over the top of him and he wasn’t ready – it was a correction. It did however make me a little nervous of him and made me more respectful. However, he needs help to get over all this too. I truly didn’t see this coming til the second before it happened – when he raised his eyes, that was it. For a big dog, he’s pretty quick. Again, this is my fault, not the dogs. It’s important to understand details of why a dog bit. I didn’t freak out, didn’t kick the dog, didn’t run away – dealt with it in a calm manner after the initial shock.
Owner decided to let Milo take the lead on this walk, let him mentor his son and see where it goes. Starting off again, it was rough and Freddie lunged at me a couple of times, showed he wanted a piece of me. Both dogs are amped – especially Freddie and they are pulling. This will calm down at some point as they tire out. Again, it’s not about structure – this is about Freddie accepting me and willingly coming to me. I need him to trust me, and the hope is that Milo will show Freddie that I’m not such a bad guy. Just like Bear did with Milo.
Early in the walk, the owner had to go home to add another hole to a custom collar he bought, it stretched some. So Milo and I carried on around a couple of blocks and we would meet up again. Milo is pretty much loose leash til the 9:43 mark until he sees Freddie and of course they feed off each other.
At the 11:39 mark, we get reactions to other dogs, I frankly don’t care at the moment. I stay calm, take him by the collar and let the dogs pass. This too shall change – the main reason Milo is reacting is due to Freddies reaction. They aren’t reacting to people – and that’s a big one. Freddie is the big one tonite – he’s so worked up starting out that his eyes are bloodshot. Again, that will change. He’s not trying to get a piece of me anymore.
As you can see, I’m calling Milo in – sometimes with a bit of encouragement. It’s important for Freddie to watch this – and like last night with Milo – Freddie needs to make the choice. And he does further into the video.
At the 19:55 mark, we switch dogs – I now have Freddie and this is where it gets interesting. As we walk, Freddie is not showing any aggression toward me at all. He’s still eyeballing me, he gets close once in a while – and he rubs his face against my hand just like a cat would. Can feel his wet nose on my hand, and he’s pushing against my leg. I’m not going to push this time, now it’s on him to choose to come to me.
If Freddie is going to lunge at me, it’s when I’m squat down holding his leash – while Milo comes to me for affection. This however doesn’t happen – but he shows that he’s not ready to trust me yet. That’s ok, it does come and it comes on his terms.
At the 24:06 mark, Freddie chooses to come for a sniff – I put my hand out and this is the first time he’s ever approached me in any fashion. Starting to make headway. And Milo is coming to me at will on his terms.
At the 37:26 mark is the first breakthrough, Freddie backs into me and presents his bum. Fair enough, I’ll give affection to whatever he offers to me at this point. Quick scratch then move on. 39:20 mark, he allows me to pet him – then he moves forward for affection. His resolve finally broke and he’s starting to trust me. A calm hand with patience and time wins every time.
At the 49 minute mark, he comes in an sits in my lap while I’m squat down. Now we are making breakthroughs.
It’s dark now, too dark to really record. Long story short, Freddie kept coming to me on his own accord. We ended the session with putting Freddie on the treadmill in the back yard – he went right on it, no fuss. 10 minutes on the treadmill, and he’s pretty tired.
The back yard with these dogs is still an issue. And the dogs tend to react worse to anything in the back yard when it’s dark. I had to walk toward the fence, both dogs watched me walk away – but then “someone came in the dark” and that set them off. Not worried about it, that will change.
We accomplished two major things tonite – first, getting Freddie to accept and start trusting me. Second, getting Freddie on the treadmill. All 4 dogs will get on the treadmill and walk on it without any fuss. Bear will jump on with no leash, she seems to love it.
More to come.