
My Dog Loves His Crate! Really?

Humans were locked up in a box through the pandemic – for their safety. Did you enjoy being locked in your crate through the pandemic? Did you enjoy being forced to wear a mask – AKA muzzle? Lockdowns – negative reinforcement – the human animal wants positive reinforcement – they want the lockdowns lifted. Did you enjoy having every aspect of your life controlled over the last few years?

That’s what governments did to the human animal. They learned how to do this using PROPER analysis of B.F Skinners work. Not this BS that dog owners are being fed.

If the answer is no – then take a hard look at your dog. You were conditioned to accept being locked in a box through fear. That is B.F Skinner in action. “Positive Reinforcement” is the removal of “Negative Reinforcement”, nothing more. And humans were so glad to get “Positive Reinforcement”. But now we live under the constant threat of punishment – that negative reinforcement.

Human beings are sentient animals, and on that, we all agree. Human beings are mammals in the animal kingdom – but we have this magical measuring stick of intelligence that we apply to all animals around us. I have news for you – dogs are sentient creatures too. All animals are sentient – intelligent, capable of feelings and learning. If I told you that plants are sentient – would you believe me? If not, I highly suggest you start researching the animal that you are. Humans carry a massive lack of respect for the animal kingdom – that’s what we have been conditioned to learn.

The problem is, humans have taken themselves out of the animal kingdom. We have taken the dog with us – the dog is not an animal anymore. It’s human behaviour, it’s dog behaviour – not animal behaviour. We don’t look at ourselves as animals anymore, just rulers over the animal kingdom and we are doing a piss poor job of it. If you can’t look in the mirror and understand the animal that you are? You don’t stand a chance in hell of understanding the animal that the dog is. That’s what B.F Skinner was getting at.

This was Skinners research – figuring out how to control the human animal by doing experiments on animals in a lab environment. The saddest part of all this research? Skinner didn’t need the brain to control “animal” behaviour – and that goes for humans too. He didn’t care about the animal brain – trainers don’t either – and that is called animal abuse. Did you feel abused while locked in your crate for “safety”? We are all controlled through fear and desire – negative and positive reinforcement. Covid was the electrode on your tail – and it made you dance – made you beg for positive reinforcement. Thank you B.F Skinner – the most dangerous human psychologist out there.

That’s the fail today. We have lost touch with the animal that we are.

If you wouldn’t enjoy being locked in a box “for your safety” – trust me, your dog doesn’t either.

But we have been convinced that dogs are denning animals. They are not.

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