
Breed Specific Legislation – PitBull Bans

I live in Canada, and we have no shortages of breed specific legislation. For fact in that matter, have a read. Cities and towns – and 2 provinces with outright bans. This is all pure politics, the politics of fear and division and governments have become great at fear and division.


In Ontario for example, there is a province wide ban on pits – or anything that looks like a pit. Labrador retrievers have been caught up in it forcing owners to go to court and prove through DNA that their dog isn’t a pit. So why are bite rates up? I can tell you exactly why bite rates are up.

Parts of the province of Quebec have pitbull bans – and that was based on complete lies. It was claimed that 2 pits in 2 different attacks killed and maimed. The SPCA was tasked with DNA profiles – and conveniently the tests were delayed and the ban was put in place anyway. Turns out, the offending dogs were not “pits”, they were other. If I recall, one was a Boxer but I would have to confirm.

A few years ago there was a dog attack not far from my home. 2 “pits” attacked a fellow and did him harm. The media of course had a field day, the police claimed they were “pits”, the people were made to be afraid – but it turns out the dogs were actually Cane Corso’s. Too late, the cards were played and it doesn’t matter – it’s just another “pit” attack.

These bans are nothing more than politics – and the “pit” is nothing more than a pawn in a sick government game. And if you don’t understand how governments like to play sick games, look no further than the last 3 years.

If you don’t understand the cause of a problem, there is no chance in fixing it. Now what do you think it’s going to take to fix it?

The worst part of it all – many pit owners are choosing to live around this societal ideology. Many great pits are not allowed to interact with other dogs or be around children because of what it is.

“That’s just the way the breed is”. That’s every breed today.

Why is this happening?

What we call “dog training” today is garbage, and it needs to go in the garbage. People are being made to be afraid of what their dog is going to do – by the training community at large.

Trainers redefined what B.F Skinner was saying and doing – and welcome to the mess. Trainers have you doing the same sick experiments on your dog that Skinner was doing to animals in a lab. Skinner was a human psychologist as well – and he wasn’t treat training or shocking his clients. Skinner didn’t care about the animals in his lab – cause the human animal was his target. He did sick experiments on animals in a lab to understand how to use “positive and negative reinforcement” on us – the human. The animals paid the price, and they are still paying the price.

The government is using real B.F Skinner on the population. Negative and positive reinforcement – fear and desire – that’s how you control a population.

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