The exploitation of dog owners and their dogs – by the dog training community at large…? How so you ask?
Dog owners are understanding the message being put forth – and thank you for that. I think dog owners are finally getting tired of all the “dog training” nonsense – and looking for other ways. And who’s fault is that? Dog trainers.
Trainers however are primarily the ones fighting the message and they are doing it all over the place. The question is why? Why am I now hearing trainers say “Skinner is so yesterday”, “can we just ignore Skinner”, “we’ve moved on from Skinner”. And my personal favorite – “Who the hell is Skinner”?
Follow the money.
The very object of the science of behavior is discovering its’ causes – direct quote from B.F Skinner. So what is the actual cause of dog trainers behavior?
When you try to control the behavior of another through reward and punishment – AKA “Quadrants Of Dog Training” AKA “Operant Conditioning”? Skinner would call that exploitation. Trainers are not only controlling your behaviors – but your dogs as well. Dog trainers in Skinners words are exploiting dog owners and their dogs. Now you understand the cause – and trainers don’t want you to know this. This is why they fight – whether they realize it or not.
Here’s a direct quote from Skinners book “About Behaviorism” published in ’74. This is not about me, it’s not my opinion – it’s about the science of behavior – prove Skinner wrong.
Trainers, keep on laughing and fighting – you’re only helping me out.