
Female Is Dominant In ALL Mammal Species – Humans Included.

Humans Are Such A Confused Animal. And B.F Skinner knew it would destroy us as a species. It’s already happening in real time.

Men/guys – ever wonder why you have nipples? There is a reason for it. There is a reason your male dog has nipples too. Cause you started out life in the womb as a little girl – we all did. All you are is a chick with a dick. Can’t find the clitoris? You have it in your hand every day. That’s the joke. But humanity is such a mess cause we can’t understand the animal that we are with the animal desires that we have. If you can’t look at yourself in the mirror and understand the animal that you are? Then don’t stand there and wonder why you can’t connect with the animal that the dog is.

Lets talk like grown adults and put some knowledge back in the game.

Ladies – your DNA at it’s core is XX. Men – your DNA is XY – not YY. That first X is the blueprint for all animal life – and that X is female. The second set of chromosomes doesn’t kick in for a month or two which determines your very sex. If that second set of Chromosomes is Y – then alot of changes have to happen – no? . Has your significant other had an ultrasound early on? They couldn’t tell you what you’re having right? Yeah, there is a reason for it. Cause they all look the same – little girls.

But hey, God created man from dirt and woman from the rib of man? Oh yeah, we are a mess as a species. Feelings are so much easier to manipulate than facts – so much easier to manipulate feelings.

Yes guys, you started life with a little vagina, and had nipples that stayed with you. Your little ovaries became testicles. Your vaginal lips stitched up and became a scrotum. Your clitoris became a penis. And you became a male. Question is – does male equate to “Man”. I look around society and I have to question it.

Now, think about how two tiny cells can come together – start dividing – and create a human? That’s a miracle in itself – how it doesn’t fail more often is a mystery. But it does happen. Take Down’s syndrome, non-disjunction of chromosomes. It’s happens.

Now that you have that information in your back pocket – are you born gay? Or is it really a choice? Stop and think about that long and hard – really chew on it – roll it around in your mouth and get a good taste of it. Alot of gay men are effeminate – NOW ask yourself why?

Female is the dominant of all species – but humans managed to screw that one up too.

Take a lion pride. Big male, ladies take care of him. Why? Because he’s proven himself to be the strongest – and he has to keep proving himself against other males that he has the strongest genetics to provide to the females of the pride. If that male loses, the other male takes over – and likely kills any young. Now, from the female perspective – they take care of the pride. If that pride of females decided that the male has to go? Do you think that male is going to stand any chance against a pride of pissed off females? He’s done.

Watch a herd of horses in the “wild”. Where is the male? His job is the same. Fight for his right to breed and procreate – one of the base primal “Positive Reinforcements” there are. Water, food, and sex – three things absolutely required for the survival of the animal and the species as a whole. And that ladies and gentlemen IS your Operant Conditioning – the actions that you take for your survival and the survival of humanity.

But dog trainers beat it into people that Operant Conditioning is about reward and punishment? This very statement is a crock of shit. And the very reason that millions of dog have been killed over the last 20 years due to behaviours.

Does the male lead the pack of wolves? Or does the female? Bees are all female, they create males as needed. Funny eh?

Now ask yourself a question?

We hear the phrase “male aggressive” when it comes to dogs all the time. How often do you hear of dogs being “female aggressive”?

Chew on that for a while.

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