
The Muzzle – One Of The Worst Punishments You Can Do To A Dog.

Dogs defend themselves with their teeth or by running away. That’s called the fight or flight response. That’s your basic primal “Positive Reinforcements” – which is your Operant Conditioning. Yes, you will fight and/or flight too – it’s no different for the dog.

There are currently 2 definitions of “Operant Conditioning” – why?

Dog trainers define “Dog training” itself as “Operant Conditioning” – and define it as a method of behavioral modification using reward and punishment – AKA – The Quadrants Of Dog Training – Positive and Negative Reinforcement, Positive and Negative Punishment. As terms, they are interchangeable – but they are full of it. And they blame B.F Skinner for this definition – why?

Can you modify behaviors through reward and punishment? You sure can – but not in the way you think. And you need to ask yourself – is it the right thing to do? You can read up on it here.

B.F Skinner is the father of Operant Conditioning and he would say that trainers are lying. Operant Conditioning is really about the survival of the animal and survival of the species itself. The actions that the animal takes for survival of the fittest. What is absolutely necessary for the survival of the animal and the species? Food, water, shelter, the ability to protect and defend oneself – and most importantly – sex and procreation. The animal that you are takes actions to get the positive consequences – which become the positive reinforcements you need for survival. Imagine I tied your means of defense – your hands – behind your back and tossed you into a boxing ring? Wouldn’t feel very good would it? Would put you into flight mode wouldn’t it? Think about the muzzle on your dog.

Punishment is the removal of Positive Reinforcement – that’s B.F Skinner. Negative reinforcements are all through the environment – they don’t need to be applied. And it’s the negative reinforcements that punish – think about that. So what are Positive Reinforcements? Your desires for the good things in life – what do you want? What motivates you? If I block those wants and desires? I’m punishing you. Think about that when it comes to using sex as a weapon.

Have a treat and affection isn’t Positive Reinforcement – they are primary inducements. And those come from Konrad Mosts book – Training Dogs – A manual.

But we muzzle our dogs “for their safety”. We crate our dogs for their safety? Just withhold food – that will motivate the dog right? Damn right it will – you’re punishing the dog – removing a base primal Positive Reinforcements. Things necessary for the survival of the animal and the species – that’s the worst punishment and it’s disrespectful to the sentient animal that the dog is. It would be disrespectful to the animal that you are.

Disrespect will close doors that apologies can’t reopen. Chew on that for a while.

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